The Five Most Common Recipe Mistakes People Make | (2024)

The Five Most Common Recipe Mistakes People Make

by Kemp Minifie

on 01/23/13 at 05:00 PM

The Five Most Common Recipe Mistakes People Make | (1)
As more and more people get into cooking--whether inspired by hipster TV chefs, luscious food photos in magazines and blogs, or the need to save money by cutting out restaurant meals--recipes have become more important than ever. Although there are plenty of flawed recipes out there in cyberspace, the good, well-tested ones can be ruined by users' flawed assumptions. Here are the five most common mistakes I encountered during many years as a magazine food editor talking to countless readers.

Failure to Read the Recipe:

How many times has the following scenario happened to you? You're in a big hurry. You find a recipe that uses what's in your fridge and you're halfway into the prep, when you discover to your chagrin that the recipe requires hours of marinating, or some labor-intensive step. If only you'd stopped long enough to calmly read the instructions all the way through, you would have seen the booby trap! Even I'm guilty of this one sometimes.

Incorrect Measuring:

Dry ingredients and wet ingredients are not measured in the same type of cup. Dry ingredients go in metal or plastic nesting cups that allow you to mound them slightly, then level them off with a straight edge, such as a ruler or knife. For liquids, use a clear glass or plastic cup with gradations on the side that allow you to view it at eye level to make sure you are hitting the mark (peering down from above gives you a distorted and inaccurate reading).

If using a recipe from a magazine (print or online), check to see if there's information on how their staff measures flour. Some advocate dipping the cup in the bag and scooping, while others spoon it in.

If all this sounds too complicated, it is. We'd be much better off switching to the metric system and weighing all our ingredients. Let's unite and make that change happen!

Not Eggs-actly Right:

So the recipe calls for large eggs (most do) and all you've got are extra-large or jumbo. No big deal, you think. Perhaps. Depending on the recipe, you might not encounter a disaster with one egg. But when you're talking multiple eggs, it could mean the difference between a light and lovely cake and a leaden, eggy one. Consult this graph from the American Egg Board in case you accidentally pick up the wrong size.

Insane Substitutions:

I'm not knocking substitutions. There are loads that do work. There's even a bible on the topic. But watch out for the fat-free dairy products; they often contain stabilizers or thickeners that can wreak havoc with your baking. Ditto for some of the butter substitutes. And for goodness sake, don't substitute Cool Whip for whipped cream in anything baked or cooked.

Chocolate poses other pitfalls. When a recipe calls for bittersweet chocolate, control your super-charged urge to use extra-bittersweet versions in the 70 and 80 percent cacao range. The higher the percentage, the less sugar in the bar, and that lack of sugar could seriously affect the texture of your baked good. Stick with the 60 percent range for bittersweet if the cacao percentage isn't listed in the recipe. And if bittersweet bars you see don't state the cacao content, chose one from from a well-respected chocolate company. Chances are, it will have slightly less than 60 percent, but way more than the legal minimum of 35 percent.

The worst story I ever heard? A cook used canned clams in place of puréed raw scallops in a terrine (what was she thinking?), and wondered why it was still liquid after baking!

No Oven Thermometer:

Let me guess: you believe your oven is on target when the little buzzer goes off. Don't. Please. I've worked with loads of brand-new ovens that were as much as 25 to 50 degrees off. Separate oven thermometers can be a pain in the neck sometimes, because they aren't particularly stable, and often fall off the rack, but it's a minor irritation compared to a ruined roast or burnt cookies.

Tagged with: Baking, Cakes, Chocolate, Cookies, Cooking, Eggs, Kemp Minifie, Kitchen Tools

Comments (8)

12:55:28 AM on

My problem is the current inconsistency of (mostly Chinese) measuring spoons and cups. I have a set of measuring spoons where the 1/2 teaspoon of one set fits inside the 1 teaspoon of the other set with no space between. I also find that my current measuring cups which replaced the broken plastic set that I had from my first marriage in the 70's, I have to use 1/3 cup of oatmeal for the same amount of water that I used to use 1/4 cup oatmeal before. How do we encourage a North American or European company to resume manufacturing accurate ones?

The Five Most Common Recipe Mistakes People Make | (3)

11:47:42 AM on

I agree with the advice but not the metric system push.
I do not see why we Americans have to be like everyone else. We have all grown up using the "English" system and what's wrong with that?
The manufacturers are already trying to change the home language to Spanish by printing Spanish on their product containers.
Is it so wrong to enjoy being an American and enjoying our heritage?

The Five Most Common Recipe Mistakes People Make | (4)

01:15:38 PM on

The United States did officially convert to metric- mid 70's. My children brought home information kits with instructions, etc.
It never 'took', disappeared, and we kept our sensible easy to use system of measure. As for UK and Canada, most of the recipes I see on my blogs and what my family in those countries use is a combination of Imperial for some ingredients and Metric for others- unnecessarily complicated. Found this current info on google... interesting.

The Five Most Common Recipe Mistakes People Make | (5)

01:15:50 AM on

True on that, man. Our oven runs 125 degrees F hotter than the dial says. Burned a lot of cookies in that dang oven.

The Five Most Common Recipe Mistakes People Make | (6)

05:09:14 PM on

We know that we have all made these mistakes before, and this article is a great! Another point I would add to substitutions is omissions of ingredients. I know a lot of people of who say, it's only one teaspoon and it wont make a difference.

The Five Most Common Recipe Mistakes People Make | (7)

09:29:36 PM on

I agree with everything said 100% and avoid all of those things. The most egregious of them on Epicurious are folks who give WONDERFUL recipes a horrible rating because they substituted something ridiculous for a critical ingredient (with baking the chemistry is IMPERATIVE!).

My gripe is that I do searches for high rated recipes only to discover that people have given low ratings to a perfectly amazing recipe where they failed to FOLLOW the recipe!

I wish someone on staff there would eliminate low ratings postings where someone griped about a recipe being crap when they substituted canned clams for scallops and had a bad result!

The Five Most Common Recipe Mistakes People Make | (8)

08:10:25 PM on

I am most definitely in favor of the metric system and weighting all ingredients -- that is how I make my bread.

How do we campaign for the metric system? Ironic that we use the "English" system and the UK has gone metric.

The Five Most Common Recipe Mistakes People Make | (9)

10:35:20 AM on

As a private cooking instructor and someone with newly acquired food allergies, I cannot tell you how many times I've seen these mistakes made. I begin by explaining how to read a recipe, how to prep /mise. Not knowing the difference between dry and wet measuring cups is a common one.

How about the difference between a cake pan and pie plate? I recall when the Joy of Cooking was going through 75th anniversary edits reading about the dumbing down of recipe instructions for the non-cooking public. One person thought "greasing the bottom of the pan" meant the underside of the pan!

Working my way through dairy-free products has been an interesting adventure, mostly okay but recent brioche disaster was so disappointing.

Between home ec being dropped from curricula and more kids growing up in homes with two working parents and no cooking happening, it's no wonder. Cooking is a life skill everyone should learn. We pay the consequences later in health costs, individually and as a society.

One mistake that worries me most is with the canning craze (a good thing) we get people ignoring safety advice and even teaching bad technique. A very bad thing. Potentially a lethal thing.

Curious what prompted this post?

The Five Most Common Recipe Mistakes People Make | (10)

The Five Most Common Recipe Mistakes People Make | (2024)


What are the five common cooking mistakes and how to fix them? ›

Five Common Cooking Mistakes
  1. Packing Your Pans to the Brim. You may think you're cutting corners when you're pressed for time and pack your pan full of meat, but you're doing more harm than good. ...
  2. Improper Preparation. ...
  3. Adding Food Too Early. ...
  4. Going Rogue. ...
  5. You Overcook or Undercook.

What are the 5 things a recipe will tell you? ›

  • Yield. The yield tells the number and size of servings the recipe will make.
  • List of Ingredients & Amounts.
  • Step By Step Directions for Mixing & Handling.
  • Equipment (Container Size & Type)
  • Temperature & Time.

Why do good chefs read the entire recipe first? ›

Why? Because when you read a recipe, you get a better idea of what the final product should look like and how it should taste. A good recipe can make your food delicious—but if you don't read it all the way through before starting to cook, you might miss some crucial information.

What are 5 suggestions when reading a recipe? ›

Let's go over some tips of how to read a recipe:
  1. 1) Read through the recipe twice to ensure you understand. ...
  2. 2) Determine the yield amount of the recipe. ...
  3. 3) Make a Checklist of all your ingredients needed. ...
  4. 4) Determine whether you need to preheat the oven. ...
  5. 5) Take note of the time it is going to make the recipe.
May 14, 2014

What are the 5 common food handling mistakes? ›

Food Safety Mistakes & Rules
  • The 5 Most Common Food Safety Mistakes & How to Avoid Them.
  • Mistake #1: Cross-Contamination of Raw and Cooked Foods.
  • Mistake #2: Not Cooking Food Thoroughly.
  • Mistake #3: Leaving Food Out at Room Temperature.
  • Mistake #4: Improper Handwashing Practices.
  • Mistake #5: Failing to Wash Vegetables.

What is one thing a good recipe should include? ›

A good recipe has two parts
  • Ingredients listed in the order of their use.
  • Exact measurements (amounts) of each listed ingredient.
  • Simple, step-by-step directions (steps listed in sequence)
  • Cooking time.
  • Cooking temperature.
  • Size of correct cooking equipment to use.
  • Number and size of servings the recipe makes.

When you are reading a recipe What are 3 things you should do before you get started? ›

After you read the whole recipe, make sure you have everything you need for cooking. Place the recipe where you can see it. Get all the tools and ingredients you need. Preheat the oven if needed, measure correctly and have fun cooking!

What must a recipe tell you? ›

A standard recipe must contain the following data:
  1. Title.
  2. Description.
  3. Preparation and cooking time.
  4. Number of servings and serving size.
  5. List of ingredients with accurate measurements.
  6. Step-by-step directions.
  7. Accurate nutrition information.
  8. Notes and FAQ.
Feb 11, 2021

What is the first thing you do when you enter the kitchen? ›

Hand washing should be the first thing you do when entering the kitchen and should be done after using the restroom, after touching your nose, hair, or face, after touching walk-in doors, after eating, after taking out the trash, or after any other activity that might contaminate your hands.

What is the first thing you should do when you enter a kitchen? ›

First, you take the recipe that you intend to cook and read it thoroughly to familiarize yourself with the timing, techniques, equipment, and ingredients you will need. Second, you pull all of the necessary equipment and arrange it near your cooking station, so that it is at the ready.

What is the first thing you should do before you start working with food? ›

Clean: Wash your hands and surfaces often.

Germs that cause food poisoning can survive in many places and spread around your kitchen. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm or cold water before, during, and after preparing food and before eating.

What is the most important step when using a recipe? ›

Read the recipe.

As you read, visualize doing the steps, which will help when you're prepping and prevent that dreaded yikes-I'm-missing-an-ingredient moment. A recipe is loaded with info, like tips and serving sizes, so you'll know exactly how many people it will feed and whether there are any shortcuts you can take.

What are 4 things to notice when reading a recipe beforehand? ›

Try these tips and you won't get stuck or surprised halfway through making your meal.
  • Read the Recipe, Start to Finish. Think of it like reading the rules to a new board game. ...
  • Check Ingredients and Equipment. ...
  • Brush up on Common Cooking Terms. ...
  • Set your own Time Clock. ...
  • Master Do-ahead Tasks.
Oct 13, 2017

What are the 7 things needed to be found on a standardized recipe? ›

Here are the main components of a standardized recipe:
  1. Name of the menu item.
  2. Total Yield or Portions and Portion Size created by producing the recipe.
  3. List of all measured ingredients.
  4. Step-by-step instructions on how to prepare, cook, and assemble the recipe.
  5. Plating instructions and garnishes.

How do you fix common cooking mistakes? ›

10 Tips to Correct Cooking Mistakes
  1. Too sweet: Add a little vinegar or lemon juice.
  2. Too salty: Add a little sugar and vinegar. ...
  3. Sticky rice: Rinse with warm water.
  4. Lumpy gravy or sauce: Use a blender, food processor, or simply strain.

What are 5 safety tips for cooking? ›

Be a Top Chef at Home With These Safety Tips
  • Wash, Wash, Wash. You've heard it many times before: Handwashing is the number one way to keep from spreading germs. ...
  • Keep the Meat Separate. Not a fan of raw meat juice on your veggies or fruit? ...
  • Check the Temperature. ...
  • Give Germs the Slip. ...
  • Store Leftovers Safely.

What are the common mistakes we make while cooking food? ›

Here are 14 mistakes to avoid while cooking:
  • Not Preheating Your Oven. This is one of the most common mistakes people make when baking. ...
  • Overcrowding Your Pan. ...
  • Using Too Much Oil. ...
  • Not Seasoning Your Food. ...
  • Cooking On Too High of a Heat. ...
  • Not Using Fresh Ingredients. ...
  • Not Letting Meat Rest. ...
  • Overcooking Vegetables.
Jan 3, 2023


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.